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Mortgage Rates & Brokers in Ajax

Home & Commercial Mortgage Broker Ajax

Ajax is a town of roughly 100,000 residents that is located about 20 minutes east of the City of Toronto. The town was named after a battleship called the HMS Ajax that won a big sea battle against German ships in World War II. The town really started taking shape during the war, as it was home to the Defence Industries Limited factory that made ammunition to send into battle. Today, there is a combination of war time homes, apartment buildings and many new developments spread across the town. Many consider Ajax a “bedroom community” as it houses scores of people who spend a good deal of their time working in Toronto.

Home & Commercial Mortgage Services Ajax

Northwood Mortgage is highly active in Ajax, helping residents from all corners of the town get the mortgages they need. Northwood Mortgage has the advantage of working with more than 63 different mortgage lenders, so we tend to have better luck with bad credit cases or borrowers that may have been turned down for some other reason. Self-employed people and new immigrants to Ajax will also benefit from working with Northwood Mortgage and our ability to grant loans that others simply can’t offer.

Mortgage Rates in Ajax

Term Rate
Variable Rate – High Ratio Insured Special – 4.00%
1 Year fixed Insured 4.69%
2 Year insured 4.09%
3 Year Fixed Insured 3.99%
4 Year Fixed insured 4.29%
5 Year Fixed Mortgage Insured Special Closing Conditions 3.99%
7 Year 120 day rate hold Insured 5.30%
10 Year Insured 120 day Rate hold This could be your last mortgage ever! 5.70%
Variable Rate Open (line of credit) 5.45%

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